A Weekend With the Hanna Motorsports Professional Jet Drag Racing Team
A last-minute thrash in the lanes.
GOJO Firebird's Crew Chief Jeff Robillard gets Rich suited up for his run.
Likewise, Bill Hankins gets Ken Hall ready.
Rich Hanna in a quiet moment in the lanes.

Then it's time for the drivers to get strapped in the cars.
Al Hanna gets Jill ready to go.

Once strapped in, it's "hurry up and wait." All of us racers can relate to this time.

Now it's 'go-time,' as the cars get pulled onto the track.

I was stting in the tow vehicle. These are views looking out the back seat of the truck. At this point the cars have been lit up. Man, it was loud!
After the cars are started, the tow vehicles leave them at the starting line and fly down the track to be ready for them at the turn-around.

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