Dragtime News On Location
Debby DiGenova did a great job here to move to Round 3: she was .016/ 1 over with an 8.
Dave Stine in Kara Stricker's car

Kara Stricker in Lenny Bucher's car.
Dave Stine wins over Kara in Kara's car. So the only one who really comes up short is Lenny Bucher. Sorry Lenny.
Val DiGenova
Jeez, what a race between DiGenova and Jim Beckman! Beckman: .013, dead-on-1; DiGenova: .026, dead-on-7.
A couple of beaty burnouts here from David Batchelor...
...and Peter Biondo. How about Biondo having a great .017, .012 over pass and getting beat by Batchelor's .027, dead-on-zero.

Joe DiPasquale on a bye.

Vince Musolino on a competition single.
Stock Eliminator, Round 5.

Eric Bardekoff on a bye.
Larry Pappas (here) and Larry Miller (there). Larry There wins.
Carl Massafra in the far lane had a .094 light, good enough to take the win over a red-lighting Joe Lisa.
Super Comp, Round 4: Michele Costa
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