Dragtime News On Location

Friday - Sunday, June 9-11, 2017

Tim Fletcher over there in the Camaro goes .034/.01 over for the win. Brian Martel was chasing and saw he wasn't catching Fletcher so when Fletcher commited to the stripe, Martel gave it a shot by throwing it in P. Didn't work.
Super Gas, Round 3: Jake Barbato in the near lane gets outrun by John Labbous Jr.

Tom Stalba in the roadster has the 'Tree slightly against Justin Lopes (.018 to .021) and turns it into a win.
Mac Starks in the near lane had a great .007 light but breaks out against Brenda Hunter, who had a decent .024 and runs .01-over. The likely reason for Starks staying in it? He's running 149 mph; Hunter is 168 mph.

Dan Northrop over here and Rich Price over there. Northrop goes .005 on the 'Tree while Price was .052. And that was that.
Stephen Paquin on this side takes the win with an .042 against a red-lighting Kevin Robb.

Benoit Martin in the near lane goes -.203 read against Jim DiMaio in the Camaro.

Top Sportsman, Round 1: These two were on KILL! That's Brian Conrey over here in the Corvette, strapping a .001 light on Tony Fagnilli, who answers with a .006. Conrey takes the win even though he breaks out by -.001. Fagnilli breaks out by just a touch more.

Fast Freddy Perkins in the '57 chases down John Tiniakos. Perkins with the 'Tree and the win.
Bill Janke in the far lane had a great .001 light as he started the chase on Scott McCracken, but he breaks out trying to get around him.
Al Davidowski had a nice .016 light against...
...Gregory Fisher, who had problems at the hit and just coasted.

This was a good one: Michael Daniele in the far lane goes .030 on the 'Tree and dead-on-3 at the top end for the win against Vonnie Mills, who broke out trying to get around Daniele.
Another good race: Eric Cabral over here is .025 against Jeff Brooks' .028, but Brooks goes dead-on-3 for win as Cabral runs .02-over.

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